Make Money With Android Apps Reskin From CodeCanyon App Templates

Learn how to make money by reskinning Android apps templates from codecanyon. See HarrieB’s journey from 0 to 00/month with reskinning mobile apps here:

See Mobile app templates you can buy and rebrand/reskin at codecanyon:

Need someone to rebrand/reskin your mobile apps for cheap, head over to Fiverr:
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Video Keywords:
make money with mobile apps, mobile app templates, make money with android apps, android app templates, make money, mobile apps, android apps, make money online

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About the Author

My name is Leon Tran, I've been doing internet marketing since 2005. As a lone-wolf affiliate marketer, it is essential to use software/tools to help with content creation and marketing whenever possible. I am an avid user of internet marketing automation tools such as article spinners and rewriters. I also provide tutorials on internet marketing and how to use tools to succeed with internet marketing at Thank you for checking out my sites.


  1. IRIZU - Reply

    What i'll get after buying that? Am i got an folder include all of the asset?

  2. Daniel Hill - Reply

    Is there a way to request a plugin on codecayon? Or have someone make one for you?

  3. Find&Found - Reply

    can u make video show about put ads admob when i put ads i not working. not show ads

  4. JMC GIRL - Reply

    Thank you for the video! I was doing app development around 2016 on the amazon app store, but I stopped at only 4 game apps because I had no money to keep paying for GameSalad. lol After that I got into Kindle Publishing 2018. Now I make about an extra $1,000 a month from publishing simple paperback books. I have about 200 books, but they definitely take time to make. This video makes me want to try apps again, because I learned so many skills over time and I have the extra income to invest now. Adobe Illustrator will come in handy for fast and clean graphics and all I have to do now is learn some basics for android studio and other programs. Let's see if this works out!

  5. 尹食攻略WAN SIK - Reply

    May I ask that after I buy the template, what software should I use for app rectification or adjustment? Thanksssss

  6. Becktube make money online - Reply

    But you have to get a lot of traffic to your apps and I want passive income so if I develop loads of apps and get traffic and could I make $10 a day but you have to get a lot of traffic to your apps and I want passive income so if I develop loads of apps and get traffic and could I make $10 a day without doing any extra work just getting the apps on the play store

  7. Anup Patole - Reply

    Nice video. But WF is full of bullshit things don’t refer it.

  8. Diar Adrinantoko - Reply

    so we purchase a code from codecanyon, etc > reskin them > publish it to the playstore?

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